A Spectrophometric method for determining relative SPF values of sunscreen preparationsJ. Appl Cosmetol, 3, 1-11, 1985Vogelman JH, Nieves E, Brind JL, Nash RA, Orentreich NA-Spectrophotometric-Method-for-Determin. Download • 369KB
J. Appl Cosmetol, 3, 1-11, 1985Vogelman JH, Nieves E, Brind JL, Nash RA, Orentreich NA-Spectrophotometric-Method-for-Determin. Download • 369KB
Essential Fatty Acids and skin aging J. Appl. Cosmetol., 3, 211-222 (July/September 1985) P. MORGANTI, S.D. RANDAZZ0
Cutaneous elastin degradation in ageing and inflammation J. Appl. Cosmetol., 3, 187-210 (July/September 1985) W.E. PARISH